Ready to Wear Plan

Once signed up, you will receive a Garmento bag to place your garments to be cleaned. This plan is for 6 or 10 garments per week and any items over this amount will be charged at the per garment rate of the plan. On your assigned day, place the Garmento in the predetermined drop area (front door, front porch). All items will be sorted, cleaned, pressed, placed on a hanger, and delivered to your home/office in a clean Garmento. The Garmento will be returned to the designated place the following week. This plan is for garments such as a dress shirt, polos, khakis, suit pants/suitcoat, dresses and dry clean only items.


*There are certain items that are not eligible for this plan such as formal gowns, leather items, household items, and other specialty items. We will contact you if any items fall under these terms.

Ready to Wear Plan Form

Ready to Wear

$30 / week

  • 6 Garments
  • 1 Visit Weekly
  • Dry Clean Service

Ready to Wear

$40 / week

  • 10 Garments
  • 1 Visit Weekly
  • Dry Clean Service